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- (INPUT 001)
- During the late 1980's and early 1990's, John Lear, a Lockheed L-
- 1011 Captain and son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet,
- started coming forward with some startling revelations concerning
- the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects.
- During his lecture at the 1989 MUFON conference in Las Vegas,
- he spoke to an audience of over 400 of the nations leading
- UFOlogists, Lear made some startling comments.
- One man who we will refer to extensively elsewhere claims to
- be a deep level intelligence operative within the U.S. Government
- who has access to some very sensitive and top secret information
- concerning the government's involvement with 'alien' studies.
- This individual, who refers to himself only as 'Commander X',
- made the following comments concerning John Lear and his possible
- intentions and motives for his outspokenness.
- "...One can't help but be impressed with the name John Lear.
- After all, his father, William was the famous aviation pioneer
- who built the Lear Aircraft Company, which today holds down many
- defense contracts and employs thousands.
- "Lear - the son - is also highly regarded in aviation
- circles, having flown a variety of over 150 test aircraft, and
- having won every award granted by the Federal Aviation
- Administration.
- "Until a few years ago (early 1980's) John Lear had little
- or no interest in UFO's--he hadn't thought terribly much about
- the subject, which seemed 'way out' to him. Then he chanced to
- talk to a friend who had been stationed in England when a UFO
- touched down at a military complex there, and was seen by U.S.
- servicemen on duty--small creatures and all. Intrigued, Lear
- began asking around and found some of his former associates in
- the CIA--for whom he had flown a number of missions--willing to
- confirm that government leaders knew a great deal more about
- UFO's...then the public was being let on.
- "Lear discovered to his utter amazement that the U.S.
- military actually possessed craft (ie. aerial craft of unknown
- origin - Branton), some of the vehicles were even in partially
- working order. Apparently, the Americans had initially gotten
- their hands on these... disk-shaped devices as far back as the
- late 1940's, upon recovery of a 'saucer' that the Nazi's had
- somehow captured during World War II. Apparently, some of the
- lethal 'death weapons' we subsequently developed were based on
- facets of this (recovered) technology.
- "Furthermore, Lear believes that any number of flying discs
- 'fell' into our hands when they crashed in the southwest in the
- late 1940's and early 50's.
- "Scattered around the various crash sites were the bodies of
- small humanoid beings, the EBE's. At least one alien was found
- still alive and he, along with his badly burned budies, were
- flown to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, home of
- the infamous 'Hanger 18'; this final destination, the so-called
- 'Blue Room', (is the one) which Senator Barry Goldwater has not
- even been permitted to penetrate.
- "Lear's scenario also includes the suspicion that the
- government has made secret deals with the 'aliens', actually
- exchanging humans for advanced technological data. Supposedly,
- the government was to be provided with a list of those being
- abducted so they could maintain a vigil over them after their
- experience and make sure that they were not being harmed in any
- way. Unfortunately, the 'aliens' took advantage of the
- situation, taking away tens of thousands for God knows what
- purpose, and implanting small transmitters inside their brains
- (ie. of those who were fortunate enough to be abducted and
- RETURNED - Branton) which can be activated for some sinister
- 'mission' at some prearranged future moment...
- "According to friend and foe alike, John Lear wears a
- variety of masks. Sometimes what he has to say lacks
- credibility, but just when you think you've caught him with his
- jump suit down, evidence pops up that what he has to say may not
- be so totally off the wall. For example, others with military
- connections have recently come forward to verify part of his
- amazing saga..."
- * * *
- (INPUT 002)
- In late 1992, Art Bell of the CBC Radio Network (Phone #'s: 702-
- 385-7213; 385-721; 383-8255) in it's "Talk Of The West - Coast To
- Coast AM", KDWN - Las Vegas, interviewed John Lear and Rod
- Madley. The following are highlights of the subjects discussed
- over the 6-hour interview period which ran well into the morning
- hours:
- -- Lear, the 49 year old Jet Pilot holds 18 world speed records,
- including a speed record for round-the-world flight in the Lear
- Jet in 1966. He has worked for 28 different Aircraft
- Corporations.
- -- He was initially 'turned on' to UFO research after Gen. Gordon
- Williams confirmed to him the landing of a 'grey' craft at
- Bentwaters AFB, England.
- -- According to Robert Lazar, while working at Los Alamos, N.M.,
- he learned that files in a restricted 'library' there revealed
- that PROJECT GRUDGE (Blue Book) was still in existence as of
- 1988, although it had supposedly closed down in 1949. Lazar was
- hired at S-4 with the help of long time friend Dr. Edward Teller,
- who referred him to EG&G. Bob's superiors stated that any
- revelations he made about UFO's could only be worded as 'his
- opinion', whereas DIRECT revelation would be a technical breach
- of his security clearance.
- -- At one point John Lear and a group of investigators went out
- to view and video-tape the 'disks' which Bob Lazar had said could
- be seen test flying at a certain time and place. While on PUBLIC
- BLM LAND the group was chased by 10 Wackinhut 4x4 'Broncos' and
- apprehended. They demanded to see their identifications at
- (machine) gun point. They were later hassled for about an hour
- by the Lincoln Co. Sheriff's Dept.
- -- Indian Springs, NV., is the headquarters for all security at
- the test site.
- -- When his superiors learned that Lazar told Lear and others of
- the 'test flights', they took him in and with a gun to his head
- demanded to know why he did it.
- -- Ron Madley, a 'Cadcam' (computer design) administrator for a
- Houston, TX., engineering company, refers to 'events 1-6' of NASA
- shuttle films taken aboard the space shuttle DISCOVERY and
- others, some of which were shown on national television in the
- Fall of 1992.
- -- According to Madley, his father Carl knew several astronauts
- who stated that at EVERY SINGLE SPACE SHOT at Cape Canaveral
- (Kennedy) at least one UFO was seen by either ground personnel or
- the astronauts, at or just after the launch. This was confirmed
- by a Dr. Gary Henderson. Carl Madley was one of the first Lear
- Jet pilots, and experienced a UFO sighting which was witnessed by
- others wherein he intercepted a flying disk, which played 'cat
- and mouse' with him for several minutes. Afterward he was
- interviewed by (govt. agent) J. Allen Hyneck, who confirmed the
- UFO sightings by the U.S. astronauts.
- -- Event 2-3 were the incidents that were broadcast publicly, and
- were only a small part of the entire file. The events were
- recorded by cameras mounted outside of shuttle, debunking the
- theory that the 'flashes' were a reflection from inside the
- cabin. The 'events' were named in the order they were found when
- the film was studied, not necessarily in chronological order.
- Event #1 was seen late one night by a computer engineer at the
- Goddard Space Flight Center. While looking at a live picture in
- the 'big screen' he saw, according to Madley, "several little
- flickering lights and a larger object pulsating towards the rear
- of the shuttle. The camera then panned down into the cargo bay
- and after several minutes of no motion [it] zoomed into an area
- of the UR satellite. The ground controller commented to the
- astronauts about Camera-D getting 'hot', and that they could
- either return control of the camera over to ground control or
- they could switch cameras. After a discussion ensued they
- finally got control of the cameras...they panned the cameras back
- and the objects were gone."
- -- "Events 2-4 were filmed by a man in Maryland off of a down-
- link from NASA (as part of a College project). Event 2 is
- essentially a night scene over the earth that occurred on Sept.
- 16th (1992)... what you see as the lights on the planet at night
- are going around on islands and continents... you see several
- small white lights that appear on the screen. The main event
- that people see in this is an object that appears at the edge of
- the horizon and appears to almost track or follow the horizon as
- it goes up. After several seconds of this the object abruptly
- makes a right-hand turn, approximately a 45 degree angle... a
- very sharp turn. And then leaves the atmosphere apparently and
- goes out into space... this is the event most people have seen...
- nationally... then you see what appears to be one or two streak
- of laser-like objects coming from the bottom of the screen, up
- and towards this object and one other that's on the right hand
- side. These are fast-moving... streaks... moving much, much
- faster than any of the other objects in the view."
- -- "Event #3 is interesting, it's a shot of the 'day' side of the
- earth from high orbit... it shows a multitude... probably a
- couple of dozen objects that are flying in all different
- directions across the screen. Everybody that I've shown this to,
- and I've had the opportunity over the past 5 months or so to show
- this... people working both at Johnson Space Center in Houston,
- I've shown it to people at Sandia, people at a couple of Air
- Force bases... and basically their comments to me are universal,
- these people don't know one another, and they'll explain: 'My God
- that looks like STAR WARS!' And I said 'the Defense Program or
- the movie?' and they say 'the movie!'"
- -- "The interesting thing in event 3 we've found... is one of the
- larger objects... coming from the lower left to the upper right
- hand portion of the screen... as it gets about a third of the way
- up from the bottom there's one of these fast moving streaks that
- comes in from the right-hand side of the screen and intersects
- the path that this object is on, in fact it intersects it at the
- exact moment that it is in line with it, and you see what appears
- to be another 'piece' of either the first object or the second
- object break off and start travelling off into the lower right.
- If the object was hit this doesn't make any sense because the
- object should now be tumbling in the other direction but it
- isn't. This has led some of the people I've shown it to suggest
- that perhaps the object... ejected something... perhaps some sort
- of a defense maneuver. But it does appear that something has
- been hit and we've caught that on film." (Note: If the 'beam'
- weapons were part of the SDI 'Star Wars' program, one might
- wonder HOW the 'officials' were able to tell whether they were
- Hostile-Grey or Benevolent-Human occupants? Although the 'human'
- occupants encountered are at times less then friendly, they are
- by average far less threatening than the 'reptilian-grey'
- species. Just what is the present 'official' attitude on the
- Greys? HOPEFULLY this was not a case of elements in the one-
- world (Illuminati) government who have been 'taken over' by the
- grays, attacking a relatively 'benevolent' human group AS THEY
- HAVE BEEN KNOWN TO DO IN THE PAST. Whoever the 'good guys' or
- 'bad guys' are, 'us' or 'them', it is certain that a 'STAR WARS'
- is actually taking place 'out there' - Branton)
- -- "Event #6... I went down in April to the Johnson Space
- Center," Ron Madley alleges, "the only branch of NASA that is
- keeping and recording all the missions. The public and the press
- have a building that they would go to at NASA for information...
- Fortunately I know that the film and all the photographs are not
- really kept in that building... the films are archived and kept
- by a PRIVATE corporation that has contracted out to NASA on-site
- and they're kept in another building at NASA.. Jim Oberg through
- his incompetence has been a real help here because it was HE who
- actually let me know which building it was that had all the
- material... I know the exact times and days of the sequences I
- needed... I was getting the runaround basically, so I thought
- well, the fastest way to do this... is cut out the middle men and
- go directly to the source... so at this building... where all the
- photo labs are, I essentially walked in and explained what the
- situation was... they proceeded to let me upstairs and into a
- secure room where this video was kept... I found the first 4
- events with no problem at all, and they were pretty incredible, I
- was very impressed with the quality... event 5 was discovered and
- located by a man in Nebraska who was listening to his short-wave
- radio and heard one of the astronauts exclaim: 'WHAT'S THAT!
- WHAT IS THAT?'... In the segment of film... at the moment where
- this should have been there was a JUMP in the TIME CODE and a
- change in the picture... the total time was about 14 MINUTES that
- was gone... I've never seen that happen before... I had gone in
- fully believing NASA's explanation (i.e. that the objects were
- ice, debris or the firing of 'attitude adjusters')."
- -- "Event 6... is a color shot over the earth in the daytime, and
- for 3 seconds we see an object go from left to right across the
- view... The object appears at first to rotate or flicker as it
- goes across... out of the 87 frames in which the object... should
- be there, there are 14 frames in which the object disappears
- completely... the object stops and starts at it travels through
- space, it is NOT a constant motion."
- -- One man working at Sandia informed Madley that event No. 6 was
- an 'alien craft', based on the flight performance of UFOs which
- they had investigated. They showed him a film they possessed
- showing a similar object.
- -- According to Lear, Bob Lazar stated that the alien craft could
- bend the 'fabric' of space and travel at speeds exceeding that of
- light. The theory stated that they could somehow 'lock on' to a
- distant point in space and through some gravimetric wave
- amplification 'bend' the space-time fabric and enter hyperspace,
- and essentially 'be' at the distant point which they had locked
- on to. The subspace travel would be instantaneous because of the
- zero-time factor, and the majority of the 'time' would consist of
- acceleration and deceleration of the craft.
- -- Madley stated that he has a copy of a NASA document that
- refers to the date and times when the 'event-5' film was 'checked
- out' and studied by others. It stated that 4 U.S.
- Representatives, including a Dr. Pipps, studied the films on
- three occasions. On the first visit Dr. Pipps referred to it as
- the 'lightning' film. The second visit to the film library (also
- to check out the event-5 film) was, according to the document, in
- regards to a 'Congressional Inquiry', whereas the stated purpose
- of the third visit was written down as a 'UFO Congressional
- Inquiry'. Madley stated that a Helen Bentley, a U.S.
- representative from Maryland, was behind the inquiry. When
- Madley tried to contact her she was not at all cooperative,
- although she admitted her involvement when he pressed the issue
- and presented her with the evidence (letters signed by her,
- etc.).
- -- Lear states that ONE of the reasons for the initial cover-up
- may have been due to the governments inability to provide an
- ENTIRE answer to the UFO question (the fear of opening up a
- 'Pandoras Box') and the economic, political and especially
- RELIGIOUS complications and questions that might arise as a
- result.
- -- Some of the 'Element 115' in the government's possession is in
- Los Alamos and some is at the 'Test Site' according to Lear and
- Lazar.
- -- Lear stated that some types of 'Greys' have 4 fingers with no
- thumb (some with and some without 'webbing'), some have 3
- fingers, some six fingers. Some types of greys have no 'toes'
- but have 'sock-like' feet. 'Some' types have 'colorless' blood
- which does not carry oxygen and which does not contain 'cells' as
- we know them. This description came from a government surgeon
- known by Leonard Stringfield who performed 'autopsies' on alien
- cadavers.
- -- Lear states that the 'greys' can manipulate a human soul (or
- astral form?), remove it from it's body and do all manner of
- 'experiments' on them (Note: Some abductees have in fact reported
- having had their spirit-astral forms 'jerked' from their physical
- bodies while inside alien craft by the greys, who were sometimes
- accompanied by shadow-like phantasmical or paraphysical beings -
- Branton).
- -- The Dulce (pronounced Dul-see) base has been called "Section-
- 4" by some of the individuals who have formerly worked there.
- -- AIDS was intentionally engineered, and released through laced
- smallpox vaccines in Africa, and laced hepatitis vaccines in
- America, etc.
- -- There were several firefights with alien craft and their
- (grey) occupants in Southeast Asia during the Vietnam war, many
- of them reliable incidents although hushed-up by the government,
- "...one that we have a lot of knowledge of is one that occurred
- in Cambodia, and what was frightening to our side [who were]
- fighting these [creatures] is in the disk... were parts of human
- beings, arms, legs, heads, that kind of stuff."
- -- The host, Art Bell, mentioned an incident which was reported
- to him that allegedly involved a drilling project not far from
- the 'Test Site' and 'Area 51'... "and they got down 2000 feet
- plus, the story goes, and began to bring up human flesh, fresh
- flesh and bones..." (Note: this is not the only story of it's
- kind. One older account involved a drill bit that broke into
- 'empty space' somewhere in North America, exact area uncertain,
- and pulled up flesh and hair from what appeared to be a hairy
- animal or humanoid creature - Branton).
- -- The 'Horrible Truth' became evident to the Government during
- the 'Dulce' incident, when our very top, TOP scientific staff
- were killed. Due to the former false views of the alien question
- which had been reinforced by the 'grays' themselves, the
- government had commissioned a guarded release of information
- concerning the seemingly non-threatening gray-aliens... that was
- BEFORE the so-called 'Dulce Wars' broke out. Because of the way
- information seeps down from the higher to the lower echelons they
- were unable to prevent Speilberg--and others who had been
- commissioned or inspired to make movies or documentaries about
- 'friendly' little aliens--from producing their warped version of
- the greys, the abductions, etc. Lear believes that the reason
- Linda M. Howe's project [involving MJ-12's release of
- information] came to a mysterious halt about the same time the
- 'Horrible Truth' or the 'Grand Deception' was discovered, was
- probably due of those revelations.
- -- Lear referred to a video describing the whole Robert Lazar
- story and related information on the 'bases', etc., which is
- available from Tri-dad., 1324 S. Eastern., Las Vegas, Nevada
- 89104.
- -- One of the technical 'marvels' that Bob Lazar allegedly saw at
- the test site was a generator the size of a small ice chest that
- put out a tremendous amount of energy (in the '100 megawatt'
- range).
- -- There is one top-secret weapon the U.S. government has
- developed which is so devastating that there are 'certain alien
- groups' that are trying to suppress it.
- -- One caller who allegedly held a 'Q' clearance confirmed--via a
- friend of his with an even higher 'Cosmo' clearance who worked at
- the Nevada Military Complex--that 'two' alien groups contacted
- the government. One was human-like and offered to help us with
- our spiritual-social development but refused to give the
- government technology - the government refused their offer; and
- the next was the 'Greys' which offered technology in exchange for
- the government keeping their existence secret from the public,
- etc. According to John Lear the second group turned out to be
- LIARS and did not deliver the technology [or installed it only in
- so-called 'joint' underground bases which THEY controlled. The
- main source of U.S. government technology apparently came from
- crashed disks (mostly 'grey'), some of which were blown out of
- the sky by the U.S. military].
- -- Wickenberg, Arizona is an apparent site of an underground
- base, 'abduction' activity, etc. The government allegedly took
- control of a mine in the area some years ago.
- -- Earlier in the century 1 in 40 citizens reportedly experienced
- 'abductions'. As of the early 1990's the figures are closer to 1
- in 10, according to Lear.
- -- There are 'tunnels' and base complexes that connect China
- Lake, California City, Norton AFB, Edwards AFB, Tonopah, Groom
- Lake, Nevada Test Site, Los Alamos, Dulce, Norad, Oklahoma and to
- the East. Lear spoke of a friend whose father was or is a
- hydraulic engineer on the tunnel digging machines which are 28
- ft. in diameter.
- -- Lear stated that he got within one week of interviewing a man
- who allegedly worked in the 'base' on Mars, before he
- 'disappeared'.
- -- Reference to possible 'alien' influence behind the Trilateral
- Commission and the 'New World Order' as well as Adolph Hitler's
- Third Reich.
- -- Reference to 'Casey & Associates' in Seattle, Wa., founded by
- an individual who was involved with several top 'government'
- programs, and his knowledge of the secret governments intended
- use of mass genocide as a means of population control.
- -- There are apparently two types of entities which have gone by
- the name of 'THE ORANGE': 1) A human like type with (reddish)
- orange hair; and 2) a reptilian type.
- -- One woman called in reference to an underground base at the
- Palloma Ranch 50 miles west of Phoenix (where she lived), which
- was located near the world's largest nuclear power plant. Much
- of the plant is underground and utilizes 'migrant' workers in
- underground installations. She allegedly heard that there was an
- underground connection between this facility and the 'La Palloma'
- ranch in California. She also referred to 'patients' at a
- hospital where she worked who spoke of 'people with lasers' that
- had chased them through several states, one of the patients was
- in a very bad condition, had a high temperature, etc. One being
- came into the unit in a long white coat trying to pass itself off
- as a doctor and talked to the woman and a fellow worker 'through
- telepathy' and 'told' them if they pursued it they 'would be
- dead.' Before 7 A.M. the two patients were removed from the
- hospital.
- -- 3000 feet below the Test Site there is allegedly a huge cavern
- which can hold 25,000 combat troops, and 500 feet above that
- there is allegedly another area which can hold 500 officers.
- Many of the bases were excavated by 'clean' nuclear explosions.
- -- Lear refers to evidence that intense conflict exists between
- at least two of the alien species (the two most common, the
- 'Nordics' and the 'Greys'?).
- -- Attacks by the 'greys' on people while in the dream state, via
- electronic or radionic rays.
- -- Reference to a 'lattice resonator' allegedly captured in an
- underground base in the Hartz mountains of Germany in 1945.
- -- How the aliens use cold fusion in order to 'pack' the
- molecules into tight and seemingly impenetrable forms, as part of
- the construction of alien craft 'hulls'.
- -- According to Bob Lazar the greys are 'terrified' of the human
- race, possibly explaining why they're so intent on hiding their
- true nature from the masses.
- -- Reference to an underground base near Ft. Huachuca, Arizona.
- -- One woman told of a conversation that was 'overhead' between
- two older men. Part of the conversation included the statement
- that they had to get back to 'their space station'.
- -- EMS - Emergency Broadcasting System hardware used to
- manipulate human behavior.
- -- Suppression of information by MUFON and other large
- 'infiltrated' UFO organizations.
- -- 'Crop Circle' phenomena in 27 countries.
- -- Military test craft capable of mach 5 to 15.
- -- The so-called 'Locust' or 'Preying Mantis' type entities seen
- with the saurian greys during encounters.
- -- Strange underground drilling and mechanical noises heard under
- Sierra, California and throughout the Rocky Mountains, etc.
- * * *